by KISMET | May 9, 2017 | Episodes
Kouraboure & Diana On any given day, thousands of immigrants in the United States are being held in detention, mostly to the benefit of for-profit prison corporations. Kouraboure, who...
by KISMET | May 2, 2017 | Episodes
Sheri & John Sheri and John’s best friends decided to get married and have them as their best man and maid of honor. They didn’t know each other but got in touch over the phone weeks in...
by KISMET | Apr 25, 2017 | Episodes
Jessica & Asmeret Asmeret and Jessica are about as competitive as you can imagine, crushing marathons & triathlons on the regular. Their latest physical feat pits them against each other...
by KISMET | Apr 4, 2017 | Episodes
Bryan & Jordan Bryan wanted to be an all American hero. Jordan wanted to play with swords. For both of them, joining the Marines had nothing to do with their sexuality, but as gay men during the era...
by KISMET | Mar 28, 2017 | Episodes
Margaret & Joe In Margaret’s first week working at MoMA PS1, she was tasked with installing an elaborate exhibition, including an ecosystem of aquatic plants and fish. When her koi fish started falling...
by KISMET | Mar 21, 2017 | Episodes
Paul & Annie-B Paul and Annie-B are the directors of the experimental dance and performance group Big Dance Theater. They have performed worldwide. On top of founding...